Kindness Matters. It’s that simple. The Kindness Games started as a challenge between the two co-founders Lee Oughton and Tim Wenzel. Lee says from there, it became a challenge for the entire security industry. A challenge to be authentic, share kindness and give a shout out on social media to people who inspire. Two years later, Lee says the outcome has been nothing short of amazing.

In the world security professionals operate in, toughness, tactical skills and the ability to execute gnarly situations take precedence. Kindness has historically not been a word frequently used. Lee challenges the perception around kindness, “Being kind is not weak. We are making people curious. We are helping them understand where kindness is, in their ecosystem.”

TNG’s Steve Hernandez has examined this and admits, his journey with kindness has at times been difficult. What he tries to remember is, “The one constant is kindness and the impression we leave on people. ” Steve spoke frankly, that it’s much easier to live in hate. Being kind is a harder road to walk, especially when it comes to people who have hurt us in the past.

Lee says one of the greatest rewards is watching the progress with the veterans he interacts with. Lee is a veteran himself and concedes that men struggle opening up, sharing collective experiences and moments. Over the past two years, with the growing attention of The Kindness Games, thousands of veterans have come to Lee as a sounding board. That’s something that has put a smile on his face and he’s always there for.

Given the trauma of what some veterans have witnessed or been a part of, this question was posed. When you show kindness, you open up your heart and lend an ear, how do you not let someone else’s pain consume you? TNG’s Vince Vargas says while you are vulnerable with people and give them a safe space, you have to learn to separate their issues from your own. “You can’t save everyone.” You instead, “Just have to keep answering that call.”

Anyone can take part in The Kindness Games. For instructions on how to participate and to hear the full episode, watch below. Be sure to check back on our website for more episodes of “Time to Head North” and thanks for stopping by.

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