To assess your risk, you must first understand the process by which you can measure it. Risk doesn’t need to be an intimidating or mysterious factor for an organization. TNG has implemented several strategies to grasp not only client risk but our own as well. To pinpoint your risk, you must address this fundamental question: “Can my organization be affected by one (or more) of the four primary liabilities – financial, legal, insurance, or life safety?” If stakeholders, managers, or executives agree that the answer is “yes,” based on their extensive knowledge of their respective areas, they should assess their departments, divisions, or business units exposed to potential harm.

Important questions to consider include: “Has there been a financial impact on my revenue due to a person, event, or incident?” “Has my organization developed a contingency plan for managing adverse circumstances?” “Is my management team equipped to handle conflicts?” “Are my employees traveling to high-risk areas?” Leaders should pose these questions to enhance their understanding of their organizational risk. Every organization faces risk, but the degree of risk may vary depending on industry, travel habits, operating locations, and internal processes.

What are embedded services?

Our embedded services provide organizations with access to a diverse pool of highly skilled professionals specializing in various domains such as security operations, risk management, and compliance. Embedded personnel are TNG employees who operate within your organization’s spaces and under your direction and control. They provide you with access to cost-effective expertise, workforce flexibility, and reduced overhead – all to the benefit of streamlining your operations.

Security is frequently seen as a luxury, and more often than not, it becomes the first area to face budget cuts in an organization’s financial planning. Every organization should assess its security requirements through a risk-based analysis. Organizations are responsible for ensuring a certain level of safety for employees, both while they are on the move and within the workplace.

Protecting what they cherish is a top priority for private individuals and families, regardless of the cost. Typically, the point at which safety is jeopardized involves one of the following scenarios: 1) the potential actions of an adversarial individual or group; 2) the location where individuals or teams operate; or 3) being placed in an environment beyond their control. When these situations arise, it is almost always advisable to seek the counsel of security professionals.

Learn more about our protective services here. 

Security services can be contracted fairly quickly. The more important question to ask is, “What is the quality of service I will receive based on the speed at which I receive it?” Security is never a one-size-fits-all solution. Our competitive advantage is sourcing and vetting both domestic and international partnerships. This lets us quickly find experienced, evaluated, and reliable providers in some of the hardest-to-reach areas. Organizations can quickly and effectively staff security needs by assessing their global and domestic risk matrix, allowing them to respond to unforeseen circumstances rapidly.

Learn more about our protective services here.

When assessing risk and vulnerabilities, we feel organizations should focus on four critical liabilities within their ecosystem: financial, legal, insurance, and life safety:

  • Financial exposure results from inadequate security measures.
  • Legal responsibilities arise from the absence of comprehensive policies and strategies to address internal and external circumstances.
  • Compliance with insurance and industry standards requires organizations to meet a certain level of security.
  • Safeguarding against life-safety risks is essential, given that these risks stem from security vulnerabilities and organizational oversights.

Learn more about assessing risk here.

Securing your estate or facility comprehensively involves a multi-faceted approach:

Risk Assessment. Begin with a thorough assessment to identify potential security vulnerabilities, considering factors like location, physical layout, and specific security needs.

Access Control. To restrict unauthorized entry, implement stringent access control measures, including electronic keycard systems, gated entrances, and visitor logs.

Physical Security. Install surveillance cameras, alarm systems, and secure locks on doors and windows to deter and detect intruders.

Lighting. Adequate outdoor lighting minimizes hiding spots and enhances overall security.

Security Personnel. Depending upon risk levels, consider hiring security guards to provide a visible and responsive presence.

Cybersecurity. Protect digital assets and information through robust cybersecurity measures, including firewalls, encryption, and regular updates.

Emergency Response. Develop and practice emergency response plans, including evacuation procedures and contact information for local law enforcement and emergency services.

Regular Training. Educate staff and residents on security protocols and procedures, fostering a culture of awareness.

Regular Assessments. Conduct periodic security assessments to identify evolving risks and update security measures accordingly.

Legal Compliance. Ensure that your security measures align with local laws and regulations, especially in sensitive data protection and privacy areas.

Learn more about assessing risk here.

The choice between armed and unarmed security is influenced by various factors, primarily risk assessment and the specific security needs of a given environment or situation. Factors that determine this choice include:

Threat Level. Assessing potential threats, such as the potential for violent crime, plays a crucial role. High-threat environments often necessitate armed security.

Asset Value. The nature and value of protected assets, such as cash, high-value goods, or sensitive data, impact the choice. Higher-value assets tend to require armed security.

Location. Consider the location’s history of security incidents and overall safety level. Areas with higher crime rates may lean towards a greater need for armed security.

Operational Needs. The type of security tasks required, such as access control, patrolling, or threat response, can influence the choice between armed and unarmed personnel.

Client Preferences. The client’s risk tolerance and preferences are essential. Some may opt for armed security for peace of mind, while others prefer a more discreet presence.

Legal and Regulatory Requirements. Local laws and regulations influence the use of armed personnel, specifically licensing and training requirements.

Budget Constraints. Financial considerations are often a deciding factor. Armed security typically costs more due to required training, certifications, and equipment.

Ultimately, the decision depends on comprehensively assessing the above factors to determine the appropriate level of security to effectively address the unique risks and needs of the individual, situation, or location.

Learn more about our protective services here.

The frequency of updating security and risk-mitigation plans should align with the dynamic nature of your organization and the evolving threat landscape. Organizations should conduct regular reviews, at least annually, to ensure their plans remain effective. However, more frequent updates may be necessary when significant changes occur, such as business expansion, technological upgrades, regulatory shifts, or security incidents. Even more frequent assessments may be warranted in critical sectors or high-risk environments. The key is to strike a balance that ensures security measures stay relevant and robust, adapting to new risks and challenges while avoiding unnecessary disruption to daily operations.

Learn more about emergency response planning here.

Family offices encounter a spectrum of security risks. Cybersecurity issues pose a significant threat with the potential for data breaches, identity theft, and financial fraud. Physical security risks, like unauthorized access and theft, are also a concern. Reputation damage can arise from social media posts, mishandled investments, or legal issues. High-profile individuals and families can also face kidnapping or extortion threats. Family offices should employ robust cybersecurity measures to mitigate these risks, establish secure physical access controls, conduct regular risk assessments, and prioritize privacy protection.

Learn more about assessing risk here.

What is the difference between security guards and executive protection?

Security guards and executive protection (EP) professionals serve distinct roles in the security realm. Security guards typically have a broader scope, providing general security services to protect people and property, often in commercial or public settings. They may deter theft, monitor access, and respond to incidents.

On the other hand, executive protection focuses on safeguarding high-profile individuals or corporate executives. EP professionals are highly trained and provide close protection services, addressing specific threats like kidnapping or physical attacks. They employ advanced tactics, surveillance, and intelligence to ensure the safety and privacy of their clients. In essence, while security guards offer general security, executive protection is a specialized, more personal security service tailored to the unique risks faced by individuals of prominence or importance.

Learn more about our protective services here.

When safety and security risks are elevated, hiring personal security while traveling should be considered. These situations may include visiting high-risk destinations or regions with a history of crime, civil unrest, or political instability. Additionally, travelers should consider security services when attending high-profile events, such as conferences or high-level meetings. High-net-worth individuals, celebrities, or business executives may opt for personal security when their prominence makes them potential targets. Ultimately, the decision to hire private security depends on the perceived level of risk, the nature of the trip, and individual circumstances. Professional advice and threat assessments can help travelers make informed decisions about their security needs.

Learn more about our protective services here.

Permissive, semi-permissive, and non-permissive environments are terms often used in the context of security and military operations. They describe the access and freedom of movement level in a particular area. Here’s how they differ:

Permissive Environment

In a permissive environment, there is a high degree of safety and security. Generally, local authorities or a friendly, cooperative host nation provide security, and there is minimal or no threat to operations. It allows for relatively unrestricted movement and activities, making it an ideal setting for routine or low-risk operations.

Semi-Permissive Environment

A semi-permissive environment falls in between a permissive and a non-permissive one. In this setting, there may be some level of cooperation from local authorities and some areas or aspects that pose security challenges. While some operations can proceed with caution, there is a notable level of risk, and additional security measures may be required.

Non-Permissive Environment

In a non-permissive environment, security and safety are severely compromised. There is a hostile or adversarial presence that actively opposes your activities. Movement and operations are heavily restricted, and high-level security measures and precautions are necessary to mitigate risks. Non-permissive environments often involve conflict zones, war zones, or areas with ongoing hostilities.

Understanding the type of environment is crucial for security planning and assessing risk, as it informs the level of security measures and precautions required to carry out operations safely and effectively.

Insufficient risk management strategies can expose organizations to a range of adverse consequences. These may include financial losses due to unexpected events, damage to reputation, legal and regulatory penalties for non-compliance, and disruptions to operations. Security breaches, data leaks, or cyberattacks can compromise sensitive information and erode customer trust. Inadequate risk management can lead to missed business opportunities or poor decision-making. Additionally, it may result in increased insurance premiums and reduced investor confidence.

Without robust risk management, an organization is more vulnerable to uncertainties and less capable of adapting to the ever-evolving business landscape, potentially jeopardizing its long-term sustainability and success.

Learn more about assessing risk here.

Duty of care is a legal and ethical obligation for organizations to act responsibly and reasonably to prevent harm or injury. It requires taking measures to ensure the safety, well-being, and protection of those under their supervision or influence. This duty extends to various contexts, from healthcare and security to business and personal relationships. Failure to meet a reasonable duty of care can result in legal liability, as individuals or entities may be held accountable for negligence if they do not fulfill this obligation. Essentially, duty of care represents a fundamental principle in promoting and maintaining the safety and welfare of individuals and organizations.

Learn more about assessing risk here.

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Security Refined by Intelligence
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Our risk mitigation professionals are on stand-by to assist you. Please complete the form or call us directly at 1 (844) 750-9222.
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