Crisis Response
What is Crisis Management?
Crisis management is the response to managing and recovering from an unforeseen event. The North Group has helped organizations navigate through various crisis situations by mitigating adverse impacts and helping enterprise clients overcome complicated problem sets to bolster resilience. TNG is ready to assist your corporation, family office, or government by ensuring your stakeholders, family members, assets, and cyber connectivity remain safe and secure during times of crisis.
A professional risk assessment is based on years of experience and stems from law enforcement, military, and intelligence community best practices. Identifying known, likely, or suspected threats give an understanding of the risks to a person’s lifestyle, supply chain and/or business eco-system. We work to understand these risks using intelligence processes, analysis, best practices, and global threat monitoring resources. These tools refine and validate identified threats and assist in implementing effective solutions. Clients tend to face a variety of threats, some of which are self-induced, while others are man-made threats and natural risks. When threats are properly identified and understood, vulnerabilities can then be determined.
Once a risk management team has determined a client’s perceived threat matrix, the risk management process should then involve evaluating what vulnerabilities exist. Determining a client’s vulnerability can be done by a series of questions and closely sourced intelligence collection and analysis. Once vulnerabilities are identified, a well-informed security professional looks to evaluate the countermeasures currently in place.
Countermeasures encompass the procedures, policies, and tactics being used to mitigate the current threats and vulnerabilities. After completing this evaluation, we are at the final phase of determining client risk, known as impact analysis.
Client loss, exposure, long- and short-term effects, as well as the viability of the other factors (threats, vulnerabilities, and countermeasures) are considered when analyzing the impact. Evaluating impacts can save clients exorbitant cost, loss of life, litigation expense, supply chain disruption, and other business failures.
Identifying risk is only part of the solution. Tabletop exercises (TTXs) and other means of testing help evaluate a solution’s strength and viability, which is key to a Risk Management program’s success. Security professionals help clients plan, mitigate and deter risk though these corporate-driven, family office and government involved exercises.